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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

Depending on one’s station within society, the last few years might aptly fit the infamous opening to Dickens’ classic, A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The common man or woman, like many times throughout history, continue to carry the brunt of persecution and suffering. While those connected to the government continue to increase their wealth and inherent power at an alarming clip. Few can justifiably label economic success a wrong when it is earned through ingenuity, personal risk, or hard work, but many can justifiably label economic success wrong when it is derived through the oppression of another man or woman’s rights.


Up to the last few years, the US judiciary was one of the few remaining bastions of government that vigilantly sought to protect the common man or woman from the oppressive nature of our government and those connected to it. Unfortunately, the erosion of this protection is escalating at an alarming rate. The World Justice Project ranked the US 17th overall as far as the strength of its legal system goes, behind most of the first world, but ahead of most of Latin America and Africa . . . for now.


This corruption, for lack of a better word, is evident in the legal system’s failure to adequately deal with the foreclosure crisis of the last few years. Forced to deal with thousands, if not millions, of individuals and families, our state court system has almost buckled under the sheer volume of cases spawned by the economic disaster. The result has been the wholesale abrogation of laws designed to protect the common man or woman, all for the stated purpose of trying to promote judicial efficiency. The results however evidence another (un)intended, and possibly nefarious purpose: assisting banks in maintaining a profitable balance sheet at the expense of us lay-folk.


Alas, there may be some last vestige of hope for those that have been left suffering. The bankruptcy court (originally tasked with managing debt problems) has finally stepped up to the plate. A new modification mediation program has become available in many of the Federal District’s bankruptcy courts over the last year or so. The program is specifically designed to help homeowners obtain a loan modification through mediation.


In the absence of “better” alternatives, banks are finally being forced to sit down and listen to their customers. However, the court’s motivations aren’t entirely free of economic motivation . . . If an individual or family obtains a modification, the transaction will make additional funds available to the remaining, unsecured, creditors. At the end of the day, the restructuring should make it easier for the U.S. judiciary to execute the duties it was intended to perform: Defending the rights of common man or woman from government infringement.


The attorneys at the Law Firm of Grigaltchik & Galustov, P.A., help the common man or woman on a daily basis by providing debt relief services, including bankruptcy services. We will be able to answer all your questions and help you to understand your rights. Call today: (904) 738-8398.